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self portait / letting it exist as it is / in progress
# 23.08

In progress

This paragraph is about a truly essential part of my work.
It is about the works that make up the nucleus of all my work (from the ‘Mindsite’ to the ‘Gestureplace’, from the ‘Infinite Painting to the ‘Archivers’) and which always stay open.
Works in progress, started and not yet finished, which have within them the sense of transformation over time. Even when I am no longer here and they will therefore be left unfinished, I would still give them this same definition because for me it is important to leave the sense of openness and not of conclusion.
Here, the date indicates the moment the work began to exist in reality. This also becomes part of the title, which is indicated thus: ‘Infinite Painting 2005 - (…)’
In this paragraph I have decided to include all the works ‘in progress’ that have been by my side constantly more or less since the beginning of the 2000s.

(Written in 2020. Modified in 2021)