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# 18.03



“… Basically, this is nothing more than letting off steam. Men need to tell someone what they think or set it down, more or less correctly, on paper.”
(From Giuseppe Dessí’s diary, 27 December 1926)
“Gaspard Lacroix came to call for me and we went to Corot’s studio. (…) You need to see a painter in his own studio to gain any real idea of his merit.”
(From Eugène Delacroix’s diary, 6 March 1847)
 “To live fully, outwardly and inwardly, not to ignore external reality for the sake of the inner life, or the reverse: that’s quite a task.”
(From “Etty Hillesum: An Interrupted Life, the Diaries 1941-1943”)

In this chapter, I talk about the place we find ourselves in. It is the space that I have envisioned as a connection between outside and in. I see it as a fissure between my interior world and the external one. Out of fear of being misunderstood, of feeling that I have been reduced merely to what the perception of the image refers to, I wanted to try to bring the word closer to my work. A word that is not so much an explanation and interpretation as a reasoning and annotation about the sequence of events which accompany the gesture and the process.

The website was conceived and the texts have been written between 2011 and 2016. It is however an organism in motion which will always have the possibility of changing the view of things. A research space where, as well as the completed works, I publish my experiments, the things that haven’t taken a precise shape yet or that never will.

(Written in 2016. Modified in 2019)
Screenshot of the website on the computer screen
Ph. D. Zoico
Screenshot "Interpretation" 's Index
Screenshot "Selph-Portait" 's Chapters
Screenshot "Selph-Portait" 's Chapters