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self portait / explicating / exhibition
# 18.04


Planning an exhibition as if it were a dwelling. Building a house for one’s intimacy, making it public. Building a place where the thought and the substance can live. Imagining a space capable of embracing the body of the work, of that which develops inside the studio, and at the same time making the meaning clear.

I would like to conceive an exhibition which is shown in two phases, which happens in the same place but at two different times. The first obliges a physical movement in the space to perceive all the traces of the substance-colour formed, whereas the second suddenly brings before one’s eyes the condensation of the experience of time. On the one hand it is about opening, expanding, spreading and extending, and on the other it’s about closing, condensing, gathering, replacing.
In the first part are all the “Sedimentations”, “Stratifications”, “Accelerations”, “Diaries”, “Diary-Paper Walls” etc. next to each other in a linear, chronological sequence, filling the space. They make the time that has passed visible through colour, the trace of existence made concrete through colour.
In the second part the same works are put back in their containers and closed in on themselves, becoming little clumps. Is that it? Is it so small? Is there so little?
The clumps, the small, contracted, closed, defined and hidden forms will lead to a concentrated, synchronised perception kneaded in time. 

(Written in 2015. Modified in 2018)