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self portait / touching another substance / sponge ("lumps")
# 11.10

Sponge ("lumps")

A sponge the size of the palm of your hand is immersed in the bowl and soaks up this substance-colour. My colour leaves a trace of its existence. It constructs a route, a trace. The sponges constitute its emergence. How to hold colour in one’s hand? I immerse the sponge, my fingers, my hand inside the colour in the bowl. The sponge absorbs, holds and makes tangible the colour.  Absorbing the experience. The sponges are the decanting of the substance-colour from the bowl to the sponge. Through a gesture, the sponge takes the colour and takes it elsewhere. From the liquidity and fluidity of the colour, from the substance-fluid to the colour, which – absorbed by the sponge – creates a clump.

(Written in 2015)