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self portait / witnessing the transformation / receiving (‘tear in the sedimentation’)
# 22.09

Receiving (‘tear in the sedimentation’)

On 23 March 2021 I was in the studio moving the ‘Infinite Painting’ to document it with the photographer, when the easel overbalanced, slipped through my hands and toppled towards the ‘Sedimentary’, hitting the cyclamen-coloured ‘Sedimentation 2017 #2’ and myself, though only lightly.
It was this precise painted canvas that in suffering a blow had saved the ‘Infinite Painting’ by breaking its fall. At first, I was a bit dazed by the accident but then I was struck by this image I had of it and decided to include the torn painting into the body of my work, in other words putting it back in its place within the ‘Sedimentary’.