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self portait / letting it exist as it is / not created
# 23.03

Not created

These are the works which have never been created.
The date refers to the moment in which it was thought up.
These are the works which have never been created. Aborted, failed projects that were impossible to exist. The reasons why they were not created can vary: financial reasons, something went wrong, someone or something stopped its success, gave up continuing, they lost their reason for being, etc.
However, this does mean that at a certain point they can be moved towards the definition ‘Created’.
Everything is always open. Everything is still possible.
To talk about this type of status, I am going to use a work-exhibition as an example.
In 2008 I had a great encounter that lasted a few years with Roman Opalka, who had accepted to do an exhibition with me. I worked on this project for about four years, but unfortunately it never happened due to issues with the galleries involved.
It was a big disappointment and the failure of something I felt very strongly about.
Placing my work in relation to his was not an exhibition for me, but a way of thinking that was transformed into a work. I still remember our conversations and the image that would have been the result of bringing his expounding on time next to mine.

(Written in 2020. Modified in 2021)
On the left "Travel Diary" by M. Morganti, on the right "Détail Drawing" by R. Opalka
"Travel Diary Pellestrina, July 16 - September 5, 2020", Venice, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 15 x 10 cm