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self portait / modifying / genesis and development of the ‘gestureplace’
# 25.05

Genesis and development of the ‘gestureplace’

The ‘Gestureplace’ is a combination of things. It contains all the elements-works that determine the space for painting and all the tools-works that help to shape the act of painting day after day.
The parts it is composed of include: the ‘Diarytheque’, the ‘Infinite Painting’, the ‘Sedimentary’, the ‘Platform’, the ‘Table Imprint’, the ‘Diary Imprint’, the ‘Painting Imprint’, the ‘Bowl’, the ‘Cushion’, the ‘Gemmation Base’, and the ‘Dad’s Diary Home’.
Some of these elements are permanent while others are temporary in the sense that in some cases they only live in this space for a period of time and then they leave. Each component is autonomous, but at the same time a factor of a unit as a whole. It is as though lots of small autonomous forms, each with its own logic, were connected to each other, interacting between themselves and participating in a system that is organised time after time depending on the different movements.
As I mentioned earlier, if the work in general is a process that is modified ad infinitum, the ‘Gestureplace’, with all its components, also cannot do anything other than facilitate this nature, each time moving and adapting out of necessity.
It’s hard to put a date on the start of the ‘Gestureplace’ because it was probably already implicit in the physical space and in my head for a number of years, but the moment I became aware of it and understood its logic dates back more or less to when the ‘Sedimentary’ entered my world and helped to delimit the dimension of the space devoted to painting more precisely. In 2017, as soon as the ‘Sedimentary’ moved closer to that part of the studio and the dimensions of the space-painting appeared more clearly, the ‘Floor-Platform’ was made more concrete and with it the denomination of the ‘Gestureplace’. In that precise moment, one by one, all the various parts that had already been in existence for a few years were attracted around the nucleus, becoming something different in their totality.
On the definition, genealogy and dating of the ‘Platform’, the ‘Diaries Imprint, the ‘Table Imprint’, the ‘Bowl Imprint’, the ‘Headrest’, the ‘Bowl, the ‘Gemmation Base’ and the ‘Dad’s Diary Home’, I would refer to the files found in the ‘Archive-works’, whereas for the ‘Diarytheque’, the ‘Infinite Painting’ and the ‘Sedimentary’, you can find a detailed description in the previous three chapters.
(Written in 2021)
List of the eleven elements that formed the "Gestureplace"
Ph. F. Allegretto
The "Gestureplace" from ouside in 2018
Ph. F. Allegretto
The "Gestureplace" from outside in 2018
Ph. F. Allegretto
The interior of the "Gestureplace" in 2017
Ph. F. Allegretto
Installing the "Gestureplace" October, 29, 2020
Ph. M. Fusco
Installing the "Gestureplace" October, 29, 2020
Ph. M. Fusco
The "Gestureplace" in 2021 from outside
Ph. F. Allegretto
The "Gestureplace" in 2021 from outside
Ph. F. Allegretto
The "Gestureplace" from the left side in 2021
Ph. F. Allegretto
The interior of the "Gestureplace" seen from the outside
Ph. F. Allegretto