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# 27.09

Archiving the archive

Tracing the archive

The ‘Archivearchive’ has become an object to be catalogued in its own body.
Seeing as I have decided to examine everything, but everything, that enters my terrain as a work, or rather, seeing as I have decided to give the same importance both to the item that comes from my hands and the remains of substance that is the result of developing the item, and to the projections of the thinking around the process, then the archive entity, in other words the place where all this is recorded, needs to be considered as a work and thus deposited inside it.
And seeing that the sense of all my work lies in stating that the work is never finished and that keeping track of each of its transformations has become essential, then at this point the ‘Archivearchive’, an organism that is always changing, also needs to be tracked and documented in its evolution.
Since 2020 I have therefore decided to document the annual versions.
However, this part is not available for consultation on the website.
(Text written in 2022)
Schermata dell'archivio opere nel 2020
Schermata dell'archivio opere nel 2021